RECCo was established with the principal role of implementing, maintaining, and providing strategic oversight of the Retail Energy Code (REC).
Within the REC itself, RECCo has a number of obligations, some of which we discharge to managed third parties. One of these obligations is for the provision of the ETTOS service under the Theft Reduction Strategy.
The ETTOS is a service operated by Crimestoppers, the independent charity which gives people the power to speak up and stop crime, 100% anonymously. Crimestoppers also manages the Stay Energy Safe brand to raise awareness on the dangers of gas and electricity theft.
Crimestoppers securely passes on the tip-offs they receive to the relevant gas or electricity supplier for investigation. If the supplier cannot be identified, Crimestoppers will notify the relevant Gas Transporter or electricity Distribution Network Operator for further investigation.
Members of our Operations Team and the Code Manager visited the Crimestoppers Contact Centre to learn first-hand about the energy theft tip-off service, listen into calls from members of the public and see how tip-offs are processed before being sent to Parties for investigation.
Find more details about our Energy Theft Reduction Programme on our dedicated webpage and read more about the ETTOS service here. You can find the campaign on Energy Theft launched by Crimestoppers here.