We are pleased to confirm that REC Version 3 has been implemented as planned on 18 July 2022. The REC V3.0 documentation provides the governance for the implementation of the new Central Switching Service (CSS) and the switching arrangements required to support the implementation of the Switching Programme.
What does this mean for REC Parties?
RECCo and the REC Code Manager have been working together to ensure that the REC is ready to support the new switching arrangements. This has included the following:
- Ensuring the required changes were delivered to the Electricity Enquiry Service (EES);
- Putting in place Access Agreements with GES users and CSS users that are not REC Parties so that they are able to access these services from CSS go-live;
- Establishing the process for sending Switching Domain Data to the CSS;
- Updating the Market Entry, Entry Assessment & Qualification and Market Exit processes to reflect the new switching arrangements;
- Updates to the REC Change Process and Performance Assurance Framework, including definition of new reports to support monitoring of new and updated retail risks;
- Working closely with the DCC and other Service Providers to agree and test new REC processes, including the new operational change process (and establishment of the Switching Change Advisory Board), Incident Management, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, Release Management and Service Management.
Please note that the new and amended REC Products are now available on the REC Portal and REC V3 is in production of EMAR.
What happens next?
We have now entered the Post Implementation Period. During this time, RECCo and the Code Manager will monitor the implementation of the new arrangements through to the end of the End-to-end Cutover and Approach Plan (ECAP) and Programme Exit phase to ensure service and system stability. These will result to the transition becoming complete and the enduring arrangements being in effect.
Get in touch
If you have any questions on the implementation of REC Version 3, please contact the Code Manager at enquiries@recmanager.co.uk.