Metering Code of Practice Consolidation Review

What is the Metering Code of Practice Consolidation Review?

On the 1st April 2023, we are consolidating all metering codes of practice into a single set of arrangements under the Retail Energy Code.  Combining the:

  • Gas Metering Code of Practice (MCoP),
  • Meter Operation Code of Practice (MOCoP),
  • Automated Meter Reader Service Provider Code of Practice (ASPCoP) and
  • Smart Meter Installation Code of Practice (SMICoP).

Please visit the REC Portal for the approved new arrangements.

In parallel to creating a single set of arrangements, we have procured a single Metering Auditor, Wilcock Consultants. They have started engaging with affected REC parties to advise them of the change and what this means.  If you have any questions, please contact:

On 1st March 2023, we held a stakeholder session to outline the changes, what this means for code parties, and to introduce the new Metering auditor Wilcock Consultants. If you would like to find out more, you can watch the recording here.

On 29th March 2023, the Code Manager published a podcast where Wilcock Consultants discussed the Metering Audit Scheme and the impacts on Metering Parties. Listen here.


Objective and Scope of Review

The review guiding principles were to:

  • Remove duplication
  • Simplify the code
  • Drive efficiency, both in the audit scheme and adherence to the CoP(s)
  • Assess for validity and relevance to the current environment regarding potential impacts upon competition and innovation
  • Facilitate accreditations being awarded a single audit
  • Remove barriers to entry
  • Ensure code protects the needs of the energy consumers

Who is affected by the CoP Consolidation Review

The Parties who are required to understand and meet the arrangements are Meter Equipment Managers (MEMs), Meter Installers (MIs), Suppliers, Distributors, Gas Transporters and current scheme auditors.

Project Workstreams



The regulatory workstream reviewed and combined the current metering codes of practice and audit processes, developing a single set of streamlined arrangements, to provide a better experience for market participants



We are pleased to announce the successful appointment of a single, new service provider Wilcock Consultants Ltd to deliver the audit and accreditation regime from 1st April 2023.

Wilcock Consultants have a wealth of experience in the energy industry and a proven track record of delivering high-quality services to their clients. They currently deliver the audit regime for the Gas Metering Code of Practice (previously AMICoP and MAMCoP), and their services will now extend to the remaining metering codes of practice (ASPCoP, MOCoP and SMIs) which have been consolidated under CoMCoP.



In January 2023 we entered the service mobilisation period. Since award, the new auditor Wilcock Consultants has familiarised themselves with the new arrangements, developed refined audit processes, put in place preparations to align audit cycles post 1st April 2023, and started engagement with affected parties. Parties should have now received an introductory email containing details of the new audit scheme and a new client form for the provision of finance details. If you have not received this, please email


Stakeholder Engagement

Post consultation and approval of the new arrangements, engagement has continued through RECCo newsletter updates, weekly Code Manager bulletins, engagement via committees (including the Metering Expert Panel), and direct communications between the new auditor and affected parties.

On 1st March 2023, we hosted a session to provide details of the scheme and introduce parties to Wilcock Consultants. If you missed it, you can access the recording here.

Further details of the release plan can be found on the REC Portal Release Page under the April 2023 release section.

Find out more

We will provide monthly updates via the RECCo newsletter and the Metering Expert Panel area of the Portal.

Any additional feedback or questions can be emailed to the Project Lead, Aiyesha Andrade.

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