Delivering Service Excellence

Delivering Service Excellence

Delivering Service Excellence


In the 2023/24 fiscal year, we completed the first year of operating the full suite of REC Services. These services include those that were launched or migrated during the Retail Code Consolidation and the integration of the Central Registration Services and Gas Enquiry Service. Following stakeholder feedback, we understand that some services and code functions need improvement, particularly in the areas of change, assurance, and technology. We have already started to make several immediate improvements, but there is still more to be done. Through our ‘Service Excellence’ programme, we will work closely with our service providers to improve our core services, ensuring that they are unified, effective, and efficient.


Code management
Switching arrangements
The enquiry services
Our people

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Useful links

You can read about our key deliverables for this programme in our latest Strategy & Forward Work Plan here.

Our Annual Satisfaction Survey contains key feedback from stakeholders which will inform our service improvements.

Our Annual Report contains insights into the general performance of our services.