Data & Digitalisation
Data & Digitalisation
Data & Digitalisation
Data & Digitalisation Vision
In financial year 2022/23 we stated that we would develop a digitalisation and data strategy to deliver data and service improvements. We are well on the way to delivering that aim with an increase in agile delivery; review of our data sources; identification of user experience improvements and facilitation across industry of consumer consent.
In 2022 we started a review and cataloguing of our data sources to enable the secure opening of data and fair application of data protection regulations. This will enable us to safely broaden the access to data under the REC. This work continues in 2023 and beyond as new data items, sources and the associated uses increase.
We anticipate making changes to the REC, and the associated services, to improve access by utilising the standard REC change processes.
To enable many of the future market innovations, deliver net zero and reduce energy cost to the consumer the Energy Digitalisation Taskforce identified the need for a consumer consent portal. RECCo is well positioned to facilitate this and identify the best way forward for industry to deliver this and create a positive outcome for the consumer.
The REC Performance Assurance Framework has a key role in maintaining standards of data quality and is well placed to drive and maintain improved data standards. Where data quality is poor and is having a detriment to industry operation, RECCo will play a facilitating role to improve the quality.
We seek to embrace a digital first approach where sensible and we continue to make incremental improvements to the REC Portal and EMAR, as well as other services such as CSS and the enquiry services.
As technology advances, the dependence on data increases; the pace of change increases and uncertainty grows. RECCo is planning to adopt an API gateway and microservices architecture, where sensible and economic, for its services. This will provide parties with reduced complexity in access services; reduced effort in changes and increased flexibility to RECCo to procure and deliver existing and new services when they arise.
We understand and support the drive for Net Zero and acknowledge the estimated £10 billion in savings which demand-side response services (DSR) and energy smart appliances (ESA’s) may deliver and believe that consumer engagement and consent will be critical to the adoption of these technologies. As a result RECCo and the REC will have a key role to play in the facilitation of SSES.